Trek: His People

What is Trek 3: His People About?


The Trek 3 Bible Study focuses on Biblical community, as told through the Book of Acts, and has students asking themselves the question "Who is with me?".

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Trek 3: His People Curriculum Guide

The table below shows the lessons for each week. Each unit includes a review week. There are 28 lessons plus 4 review weeks.

Lesson Title Primary Scripture Key Thought
Unit 1 - Inception
1.1- Promise of Power Acts 1:1-11 When God gives His disciples a mission, He promises to provide all of the power needed to accomplish it.
1.2- The Spirit Arrives Acts 2:1-13 God makes promises, but how He keeps those promises is often surprising and sometimes even confusing to us.
1.3- Powerful and Dangerous Acts 2:14-41 All through the book of Acts, powerful and dangerous are parts of what church meant to the earliest Christians.
1.4- Church Life: Devoted to the Word Acts 2:42 One of the key parts of a strong church is that the people have devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.
1.5- Church Life: Eating and Praying Acts 2:42 A vital part of church life is fellowship especially eating and praying together.
1.6- Church Life: Awesome Signs Acts 2:42-47 The awe-inspiring signs and wonders that God uses throughout the book of Acts are intended to point people to the Gospel.
1.7- Church Life: What's Mine Is Yours Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-5:11 The early Christians thought of each other as family and gave generously to make sure all of their family’s needs were met.
1.8- Unit 1 Review All Above All Above
Unit 2 - Contagion
2.1- Contagious Acts 2:46-47, Acts 5:12-16 As God’s power changes people’s lives, the world around them can’t help but notice and be drawn to Him.
2.2- Righteous Rebellion Acts 5:17-42 God calls all of us to willingly submit to our human authorities — right up to the point that they tell us to disobey God.
2.3- More Disciples, More Servants Acts 6:1-7 God designed us uniquely to serve one another in loving community.
2.4- Setting the Story Straight Acts 6:8-7:53 Our personal stories, no matter how good or bad, only make sense when we understand how they fit into God’s grand narrative.
2.5- Willing to Die, Willing to Run Acts 7:54-8:3 Being truly willing to die for your faith means you hold it more valuable than your own life.
2.6- Free Power Acts 8:9-25 God’s grace and power are never for sale; they are always free to those who trust in Jesus.
2.7- Philip and the Ethiopian Acts 8:26-40 God is willing to go to great lengths to create the perfect moment for just one person to hear the message of Jesus and believe.
2.8- Unit 2 Review All Above All Above
Unit 3 - Transformation
3.1- From Villain to Hero Acts 9:1-19 God, by His grace, can radically transform anyone’s life, even a person who acts like His enemy.
3.2- Change You Can Trust? Acts 9:19-31 Trusting in Jesus will dramatically impact the way you engage with the world around you.
3.3- Even The Gentiles Acts 10:1-11:18 The good news of Jesus Christ is freely offered to everyone.
3.4- Surprised By Yes Acts 12:1-25 Prayer is a child asking his or her heavenly Daddy for something, a Daddy whose answer depends on what’s best for the child. It’s true He sometimes says no. But sometimes He surprises us with a yes.
3.5- Heading Out Acts 13:1-14:7 The church does not exist to simply take care of itself; it has to get out and spread the gospel in obedience to Jesus' instructions.
3.6- Can't We All Just Get Along? Acts 15:1-16:5 While conflict is a regular part of our broken world, it is always an opportunity for us to learn and grow as Christians.
3.7- The Unknown God Acts 17 How we communicate the gospel to different cultures is crucial to their understanding of the truth of God’s story.
3.8- Unit 3 Review All Above All Above
Unit 4 - Connection
4.1- A Little Help Acts 18 God brings believers together to support and encourage one another to live out their callings.
4.2- Clinging Only To Truth Acts 19 Christians follow Jesus and turn away from all other gods and religions.
4.3- One Last Thing Acts 20:17-38 Every great leader knows that they must train and equip other leaders to carry on the mission after their gone.
4.4- Final Report Acts 21-22:29 Like Paul, we all need to be accountable to the people around us for our actions.
4.5- Rescued By Your Family Acts 22:30-24 God intended our families to support and protect us.
4.6- Never Alone Acts 24:27-26 Even when we have no one physically present, we are never truly alone since God is with us.
4.7- Friends That Won't Quit Acts 27-28 God desires us to have and be friends that stick together through thick and thin.
4.8- Unit 4 Review All Above All Above