Trek: His Love

Through using Trek 2, we want students to wrestle with the question "Why am I here?" Our desire is for them to know God placed them here to serve and love other people. Jesus is the perfect example of what this life of service looks like. With Trek 2, students will not only discover why God put them here, but how He has given them unique gifts and talents to serve the world around them.

Trek 2: His Love Curriculum Guide

The table below shows the lessons for each week. Each unit includes a review week. There are 28 lessons plus 4 review weeks.

All Trek resources are available in the NKJV, KJV, NIV and ESV translations.

Lesson Lesson Title Scripture Passage Theme
Unit 1: Submit
1.1 Path to Greatness Matt. 20:20-28
In order for believers to be great like Jesus they must first become servants.
1.2 Storytelling with Dreams Luke 1:1-4
Luke was a servant and wrote an orderly account of Jesus’ life so that we may know who He is and Why Jesus matters so much.
1.3 Servants with Dreams Luke 1:5-25
God uses willing servants like Zechariah and Elizabeth to accomplish His plan for the world.
1.4 What Servants Expect Luke 2:1-21
God expects His servants to keep serving no matter how their plans might change.
1.5 Servants in the Wild Luke 3:1-20
God’s servant is rarely a safe or easy place to be even for His most committed followers.
1.6 Tempted to Serve Another Luke 4:1-13
God’s servants can win the battle over temptation.
1.7 Risky Servanthood Luke 4:14-30
Serving others, especially those close to us, can be costly.
1.8 Unit 1 Review

Unit 2: Servant
2.1 Recognizing Needs Luke 4:38-44
Jesus healed those who were brought to Him. He saw the needs and met them.
2.2 Called to Serve Luke 5:1-11
Jesus called the disciples to follow Him and fish for men.
2.3 Bringing Your Friends to Jesus Luke 5:17-26
Jesus healed the paralyzed man when he saw the extraordinary faith of his friends.
2.4 Serving People, No Rules Luke 6:1-11
Jesus placed a higher priority on serving people.
2.5 Attitudes of a Servant Luke 6:17-26
The best life is only found in Christ and behaving as a servant of Christ.
2.6 Serving Our Enemies Luke 6:27-36
Jesus desires for us to serve everyone including our enemies as well.
2.7 Servants Respond to Requests Luke 7:1-10
Jesus responded to the requests that were made of Him and those who asked did so based on their faith in Him.
2.8 Unit 2 Review

Unit 3: Sacrifice
3.1 Fearless Servants Luke 8:22-25
As servants of the living God we have reason to be fearless.
3.2 Impossible Service Luke 9:10-17
God does impossible things through His servants.
3.3 Full Committed Service Luke 9:57-62
Jesus is asking for a commitment from His servants.
3.4 Sent to Serve Luke 10:1-24
Jesus has sent his followers out to help accomplish His mission on earth.
3.5 The Worry-Free Servant Luke 10:38-42
Jesus wants us to make our lives about Him, not our performance.
3.6 Servants Go Public Luke 19:11-27
Jesus’ servants are known for following Him.
3.7 His Servants Praise Him Luke 19:28-44
Jesus’ servants are willing to give Him praise.
3.8 Unit 3 Review

Unit 4: Suffering
4.1 Servants are Humble Luke 22:7-38; John 13:1-30
Jesus shows the disciples exactly what it means to be the greatest servant of all.
4.2 Servants Bear Injustice With Honor Luke 22:66-23:25
Jesus knows what it feels like to be betrayed, falsely accused, and ot be condemned to suffer for a wrong He never committed.
4.3 Servants Are Fully Committed Luke 23:26-43
Jesus humbled Himself and died on a cross to serve us.
4.4 Our Service Matters Luke 23:44-56
Jesus made atonement for humanity’s sins by suffering and dying on the cross.
4.5 God Resurrects His Servants Luke 24:1-12
Jesus is alive and because that’s true, the the only thing that makes sense is to believe and trust in Him.
4.6 Servants Talk About It Luke 24:13-35
Christ’s servants talk about Jesus in every day conversations.
4.7 Servants Who Wait – and Don't Wait Luke 24:36-53
Salvation is not the end of the story by merely the beginning. The disciples were waiting because the best is yet to come.
4.8 Unit 4 Review