Top 10 Youth Ministry Blog Posts from 2017
We're counting down to the New Year with our top 10 youth ministry blog posts from AwanaYM. Perhaps you missed one of these this past year, or maybe one of these will serve as a reminder for one of your New Year's resolutions, either way, we hope you enjoy these posts and that you have a happy New Year!
5 Ways to Help Students Navigate Tragedy and Respond Biblically
Unfortunately, we had many tragic events in 2017. We live in a broken world, with some incredible evil. But how your students respond will speak volumes for the gospel.
No More Excuses: 7 Reasons Your Entire Church Needs Apologetics
If you hope to grow disciples who make disciples, apologetics is a must. So let's get rid of all the excuses for not making it a part of your ministry.
Making Apologetics Part of Youth Ministry's DNA
Create an environment where students can ask questions, make mistakes, raise doubts, and come to conclusions that appropriately reflect biblical truth.
3 Ways Parents Can Be Influential Disciple Makers
As parents, the most important responsibility you have to your kids and Christ is that you are the primary disciple maker in your home.
3 Reasons To Integrate Apologetics Into Youth Ministry
Apologetics is something that every youth leader should be incorporating into their ministry in a very intentional manner. Let me offer you 3 key reasons why.
5 Myths About Teaching Apologetics To Students
Training students in apologetics is one of the most important tasks for any youth leader today.
Learning to Rest: Busyness Is Not A Virtue
The busier we are, the more we rely on ourselves and our strength, rather than God's, and the more susceptible we are to sin and its effects on us.
Being The Best Small Group Leader Starts Here
Don't just settle for students showing up week after week. Try some of these best practices for leading a small group.
Students Too Busy For Youth Ministry?
As much as we would like to ignore it and pretend otherwise; the church is failing at gaining the attention of today’s teens.
3 Questions Generation Z Is Asking
Discipling students in Generation Z means having an entirely new set of rules, questions, circumstances, and challenges.
Awana YM
Awana Youth Ministries, part of Awana Clubs International, offers an integrated spiritual growth strategy with its multi-year curriculum for middle school and high school and is dedicated to helping churches and families raise students to be lifelong disciples of Christ.FollowAwana YM on Twitter: awanaym
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