The Trek Training Guide
If you're looking for a thorough understanding of how to run a Trek program, you have come to the right place. This is a basic guide to Trek. If you finish going through this post with more questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and we'll respond!
An Overview of Trek
The following video is a walkthrough of the Trek curriculum highlighting different sections of the Student Bible Study and Leader guide. If you haven't, you can download a sample of the Trek curriculum at to follow along.
The following is a series of demonstrations of what a large group, small group and interaction would look like for a typical Trek meeting.
Interaction Demonstration
Small Group Demonstration
Large Group Demonstration
Trek 1 Record Keeping Card Fix
If you are using the Trek 1 record keeping card, there is a quick fix you'll want to make so your recording keeping is a smooth as it can be. Watch the quick video below for a few simple steps.
Trek Bible Reading Summaries
If you have questions about the Trek Bible Reading Summaries, please watch the following video. Click here to download the Trek Bible Reading Summaries.
More Resources
We have several other resources available and will over time be making those easier to find on In the mean time, be sure to browse through our collection of Google Hangouts with Jeremy Pettitt for insights, tips and discussions about running Trek and Journey.
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