Reaching Kids with Hope
We just wanted to drop you a note to announce the total gifts raised for our Reach Syrian Refugee Kids in Lebanon project!
Just at the Summit Closing Session evening alone, we raised $5,040. Matched by our generous anonymous donor brings us to a total of $10,040!
With all of the other churches and partners combined that gave throughout the month leading up to April 1st, we raised $21,171 TOTAL, completely blowing our goal of $15,000 out of the water!
We are so humbled and grateful for the incredible provision of the Lord through your generosity. Because of your gifts, kids in a desperate situation will receive basic needs like food and school supplies, and more importantly- the hope of Jesus that they so desperately need.
You made a present and eternal impact. Thank you for partnering with us!
If you didn't get a chance to give online yet, there is still time! www.awana.org/refugeekids
If you’d like to stay in touch with us about more opportunities to be a part of what God is doing around the world, check out awana.org/reachkids . Just $10 provides the opportunity for a child to hear the gospel- join us!
Thank you again for your impact!
Awana YM
Awana Youth Ministries, part of Awana Clubs International, offers an integrated spiritual growth strategy with its multi-year curriculum for middle school and high school and is dedicated to helping churches and families raise students to be lifelong disciples of Christ.FollowAwana YM on Twitter: awanaym
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