Making Something New
We are at the beginning of a new year. Many of us are preparing to write or think about some New Year’s resolutions. These may include habits, thoughts, or behaviors that we intend on changing over the course of the next twelve months. Guess what? God continues to make new things. He’s not done! Not by a long shot. There are still lives in your youth ministry that are ripe for the opportunity for the Gospel to be shared and for Christ to make something new. So, as you have your best intentions in front of you here are some objectives to consider as we practice youth ministry over the next twelve months.
Be Intentional- Time is precious. Your time is extremely valuable. Be an excellent steward of your time and your student’s time. Be intentional with your gatherings, conversations, and discipleship activities. Don’t waste a moment or let a teachable experience get away from you. It’s like my coach used to say, “When you step on the field. Keep your eyes open and your head on the swivel.”
Be Present- Students can tell when you’re not really all there. Looking at your phone every couple of minutes begins to silently teach them bad habits about what it means to be present. Unless you are a Dr. or a secret agent there isn’t really a reason you need to be plugged in all the time. Disconnect. Unplug. Give the people you are ministering to your full attention.
Be Gracious- In what ways can you be gracious to those in your ministry this year? How can your capacity to extend and demonstrate grace to others grow this year? Perhaps you need to give that annoying parent a break and build more understanding with them. Maybe you need go consider giving that student you kicked off the leadership team another shot. History has shown that our capacity as human beings to judge is far greater at first than is our willingness to extend grace to others.
Be More, Do Less- What 5-10 things can you delete from the ministry calendar this year? Does your ministry really need all those activities? Discipleship can become so “do-heavy” that your students start to believe that becoming like Jesus means showing up to planned events. Lead them and teach them to practice the presence of Christ.
Be Available- God is still making new things. That includes your life as well as the lives of your students. As this year beings to unfold make sure your heart is in step with God as He continues to unwrap His plan for your life and your student’s lives. Be open to God-sized interruptions. Be available and open for God to tap you on the shoulder when your opportunity to serve the King comes.
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