Jesus was a Youth Worker

Jesus was a Youth Worker

Most people run out of teenagers’ lives. And with good reason … they are nuts! Developmentally they are all over the place, everything is red-lining, off kilter or running wild. But as a youth worker – we run into their lives.

When I meet people on airplanes while traveling, as soon as I tell them I work with teenagers they just shake their head in awe. If I could read their minds, I’m sure I would hear, “Ha! This guy is nuts … you couldn’t pay me enough to work with teenagers.” And while the “you can’t pay me enough” part is true, I love running into the mess of their lives. Over 20 years in youth ministry there’s nothing I haven’t seen. I’m ready and prepared to care for students in the rollercoaster thrill ride of young adulthood.

I think Jesus knew this feeling better than we think. Historians tell us that many of the disciples were very young men, several of which were probably still in their teenage years. So my first big observation is… Jesus was a youth pastor! YES! Sweet vindication!

I think Peter may be the perfect, Biblical example of what it looks like to mentor a teenager!

Peter was impulsive. Like the kid in my youth group who carved his name in the coffee table with a screwdriver during Life Group, Peter cut the ear off of Malchus. Jesus shook his head, then miraculously ‘super glued’ the ear back on.

Peter said things without thinking. Yet Jesus loved him and pushed back gently (and at times not so gently).

Peter was opportunistic. But Jesus told him to be patient and humble and eventually Jesus ‘built the church on him’ as the Rock.

Peter left others out, liked cliques and caused trouble. He would have been kicked out of most youth groups. And yet Jesus sees potential in him, and unlocks it with patient discipleship.

We can learn a lot from our Savior, the youth pastor. What an incredible, long-suffering Jesus who ran into his students’ lives to help them know the Way. That’s our job, too. Blessings as you serve students this week!

Get the new Journey: Disciples curriculum I developed with Awana YM for your high school students.

Joshua Griffin

Veteran Youth Leader

Josh Griffin has served in youth ministry for 20+ years and is the co-founder of Download Youth Ministry
FollowJoshua Griffin on Twitter: @joshuagriffin


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