Discussion Starter: The Six Types of Atheists

Discussion Starter: The Six Types of Atheists

Writing on Christianity Today, George Yancey makes the excellent point that we Christians are often bothered when unbelievers lump all religious people – or even all “Christians” – into the same pot. Their ignorance to the differences between the belief systems of Catholics, Baptists and Mormons makes our conversations about the person and work of Jesus that much more complicated.

So Yancey encourages us to understand that not all Atheists share the same exact worldview perspective. His article, What the ‘Six Types of Atheists’ Mean for Christian Outreach, might make for an excellent conversation with your students about atheism and evangelism.

Yancey thumbnails researcher Christopher Silver’s six types of unbelievers:

1. The Intellectual Atheist/Agnostic: Sees his/herself as intellectually too advanced for religion and seeks to engage with other likeminded individuals through writings, YouTube videos and talks.
2. The Activist: Proactively works for issues connected to naturalist or humanist causes.
3. The Seeker-Agnostic: Considers the metaphysical a possibility but is comfortable with uncertainty as it concerns the interaction of science and the metaphysical.
4. The Anti-Theist: Believes religion to be evil, thus actively works against religion and religious influences.
5. The Non-Theist: Does not have much interest in religious concepts.
6. The Ritual Atheist/Agnostic: Does not have otherworldly beliefs but regularly attends a religious ceremony, finding that this meets some social or psychological need.

Read the piece and go over the highlights with your students. Ask about their experience with unbelievers and atheists – both in the “real world” and online.

  1. Do they know anyone who would identify as an atheist?
  2. If so, are those people hostile toward faith in Christ or just sincerely unconvinced in the truth of what we believe?
  3. How would your students’ approach to sharing the gospel be different with different types of atheists? Why?


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