3 Youth Ministry Tips for the Long Break

3 Youth Ministry Tips for the Long Break

Christmas is almost here! I cannot wait. In fact, this week is probably the last week your group will meet before the New Year. Over the next couple of weeks you will spend time with friends, family, etc. Maybe you’ll travel for the holidays. These next few weeks “off” might be a welcomed break for many leaders. However, I’d like to encourage you to use this time strategically. It might be a break from going to group but it’s in the rest, recovery, and recreation that God also works in our lives. Here are three practices to consider over your holiday break. Challenge yourself to do one of the following. Don’t come back from holiday drained and exhausted but instead refreshed and recharged.

  1. Pray for your students. Your group normally meets during the week. During the particular night your group meets spend that time praying over a list of your students. Lift them up before our Lord by name. Don’t just offer a grocery list of things for God to fix. Talk to our Lord about your students. Converse with God about how you can be used by Him to help your students grow in a deeper relationship with Him. This might be weird or awkward at first. Especially if prayer isn’t a normal part of your spiritual life. Most likely you’ll have some down time this holiday season. One of the greatest gifts you can give your students is spending time praying for them.
  2. Discover some good stories. Most likely if you’ve been doing youth ministry for some time you keep reusing some of your old stories. Take some time and discover some new stories. Make new memories with your family. That’s where my best stories come from. Read an old classic. Go see a new movie. Open an old photo album and have each picture take you down memory lane. When you come back you can bless your students with stories that will help them grow in their relationship with God. By sharing about your life and experiences you give them permission and safety to share their own.
  3. Actually get some rest. It never fails. Everyone looks forward to the holidays and then they happen. When they are over people almost need a vacation from their vacation. Actually spend some time getting rest this holiday. Take it slow. Find time to curl up on the couch with a warm drink and a good book. Spend a lot of time doing nothing but being present. Come back from your break refreshed instead of being wound up tighter. Develop the practice of rest and recreation in your life. It’s important for your students to see and know that you do this in your life.

I hope each and every one of you has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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