3 Collaborative Games for Youth Ministry
In a recent video blog post, Build Community with Collaborative Games, we explained why it’s a great idea to start a new year off with collaborative (instead of competitive) games—especially if you have new group members. But what games? Three ideas:
Human Knots
Divide your group into smaller groups of 6-8 students. Ask them to form a large circle. Each student should cross their arms at the wrist and then grab the hands of 2 other students across from them. Next, explain that their job is to work together to untangle the “knot” without letting go of any hands.
To make it more challenging, add this: Once they have untangled the knot, suggest that they try to have everyone lean back and slowly sit down—and then stand back up again—all without letting go of any hands. If you must add a competitive element, two or more groups could race to see who can finish first.
(Source: TeachHub.com)
Fictional Line Up
Here’s an easy one to get a group talking and working together. Have them line up in alphabetical order according to the name of their favorite fictional character. Not only will they have to collaborate to finish the game, they may end up finding others in the group with whom they share a common interest.
Weirdest Story Ever
It’s an old idea, but it still works to get your students thinking and laughing together. Ahead of your group time, write random nouns on enough 3” x 5” index cards so that there will be one for each student. Words could include things like “monkey,” “satellite,” “doorknob,” “donut holes,” etc. (The more random the better.) Ask your group to form a circle and hand a card to each student.
Explain that you’re all going to work together to tell a story using the words on your cards. You will begin the story with your card and then the next person will continue the story, adding in the word on their card in some way. Each new person must continue the story using the word on his or her card.
For instance, you might say, “One day, a monkey walked into a Starbucks and ordered a Banana Frappuccino.” Then the next person might say, “Suddenly, a satellite crashed through the roof of the Starbucks, and another monkey climbed out.” You get the idea. Expect laughter and weirdness.
For more great games ideas, check out The Official Awana Youth Ministries Game Book.
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