Can Youth Leaders be Introverts?
Photo credit Thomas Leuthard

Can Youth Leaders be Introverts?

Short answer: Yes, of course, youth leaders can be introverts! In fact, many, many awesome youth leaders tend to be more introverted than extroverted, even though it’s not the personality we normally associate with the role.

Some students need exactly the kind of love, attention, and instruction a more introverted leader can provide. 

Tony Akers of Youth Ministry Solutions provides some helpful insight on the matter, both countering the idea that introverts can’t do youth ministry and encouraging introverted youth leaders to play to their strengths.

An introvert may deeply sympathize with the kid who is not connecting and with the parent who is struggling. Because they tend to be great listeners they hear a lot of things they would rather not hear. Their capacity to care can be focused and especially draining. 
For that reason, creating space before and after ministry is especially important. Scheduling a nap before youth group and a day off to recover and Sabbath after a big event is not only smart, but Biblical. The notable leaders in scripture kept a metronomic rhythm that included alone-time and community-time. Because they spent time away, they were able to minister effectively in community.

The post is written for youth pastors, specifically, but should provide some good ideas for any non-extrovert working with students.


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